Wednesday, September 29, 2010


BRENNAN_Clipping Mask

For this project I got a picture of NFL from the internet. Then I did somthign called a Cipping Mask. that is whem you take a pic that you like and combin words with the pic and this is how it will turn out

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ILLUSTRATOR_Tex on path+

What I did for this project was a tex on a path. I picked my color that I wanted which was red and black. Next I picked the size and the font. The font name is Old English. Then drew the line I wanted and wrote my name one it.


For this project I took all diferent shapes and conbined them together to make one big shape. I changed the shape color nd the stroke color. When I was done with the color I change the stoke size. This is not the best on my work but this what the shape turnd out to be.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Hi! My name is Bobby Brennan and i will be using this blog as a protfolio for my Multimedia Design class. i will be posting my projects and exalples along with a brief description of what i did. Please check back to see my work!