Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Roleover butten

This is my home butten. This is the botten befor you roleover it. I made this botten in Adobe Illustrator and put it on my website.

This is my butten when you have your mouse on the butten. It is red because when you go to click on it it will let you know when your over it

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


First, i got a picture of me and my sister and took my sister out of the picture. then i eraced everything in the background

Now i got a picture of Laddy Gaga of the enternet and put my self in the picture to make it look like i was really there.

Now i got a picture of the times squarer in ny and put bolth of up in there. i made it look like the background and i met her in ny

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Photoshop Tenis _Panther

This is the picture that I started of with. I used the magnedic laso to cut this out of the gray backgroung.

I moved the picture of the panther on a island. I did this by make a layer mask and combined them bolth together. This is how it came out.

Now my parterner put a new picture on it. He put a fire ball comming out of the sky. So now that makes it look like the panther running from the fire

Now I added a fire in the back out the picture to make it look like the fire ball came down and hit the ground and exploded. I did this by making another layer on the picture.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


What I did in this picture was, found a ramdom picture of a guy yelling off the internet and also got a picture of a shark reddy kill. I put the pictures together and used the arese tool to to eres to the extra thing aroung the guy. This is how it turnd out to look.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

BRENNAN_layer mask

What I did for this project was make a elphenet look like it is at the the beatch drinking out of the ocean. I got a picture of the beatch and of the elaphent off the internet. Then I combined the pictures together


What I did for this project was got a picture for the S.F Giants baseball team staduim. I did a few things in this in this project. Firist thing I did was feather the edges. That is the brown you see at the edge on the picture. Next this I did is wrote Go Giants on the middle of the baseball felid. The last thing I did was add a filter. That makes it look like a cartoon picture.

BRENNAN_Magnedic laso

What I did for this is take a picture of the twin towersfrom the enternet and used the crop tool. When I got dont croping the picture I used the tex tool and wrote on the picture. 9-11-01.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

BRENNAN_feathered edges

What I did here was I got a picture of a car that like love and I made the picture a little better then it was. I first made feathered edges. That is when you put color on the sides of the picture. The color I picked is red. This is the frist project I made.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I design a flyer using Adobe Illustator for a RPHS event. The event I chose was the Powder Puff Football game. I used many Elements and Priciples of design. Such as Line, Color , Shape, and texture.
First, I started my project by making 2 boxes at bolth of the sides of the flyer. Then I put color in them. One red and one black. Next i started to write thing on the flyer. I changed the fill color, stroke size/color,and font. The font I used is Comic San MS. Now i started to make shapes. Some of the shapes i put on my flyer are a football, felidgo

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


BRENNAN_Clipping Mask

For this project I got a picture of NFL from the internet. Then I did somthign called a Cipping Mask. that is whem you take a pic that you like and combin words with the pic and this is how it will turn out

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ILLUSTRATOR_Tex on path+

What I did for this project was a tex on a path. I picked my color that I wanted which was red and black. Next I picked the size and the font. The font name is Old English. Then drew the line I wanted and wrote my name one it.


For this project I took all diferent shapes and conbined them together to make one big shape. I changed the shape color nd the stroke color. When I was done with the color I change the stoke size. This is not the best on my work but this what the shape turnd out to be.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Hi! My name is Bobby Brennan and i will be using this blog as a protfolio for my Multimedia Design class. i will be posting my projects and exalples along with a brief description of what i did. Please check back to see my work!