Friday, January 28, 2011

fianl post

This class was a fun class. I dident like it in the beging but Istarted to like ths class when we started photoshop. something i dident know what to do when I came into the class was photoshop illastrater and anamation. Some thing i new when i came in the the class was how to make songs on audactiy. i make songs with mi sister nd they came out pretty good. this class tought me how to do alot more.

Like I said I liked this class. Overall this class was real fun. i had a good time. thank you for a good half of year

Friday, January 7, 2011

Flash Tutorial 2

What i did for this project was make a blue background to me it look like a sky and then put a street. i made a a car out out on recqtangles and then made two wehels . i made it move like it was driving on the street. that how i made this ptoject

Thursday, January 6, 2011

FLASH: Tutorial 1

What i did for this project was mut Multimedia Design in the middle of the project. then i mad a rectangle. then i mad it move to a polygone on the other side of the project why the name stayed in the middle. it looks very good.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Roleover butten

This is my home butten. This is the botten befor you roleover it. I made this botten in Adobe Illustrator and put it on my website.

This is my butten when you have your mouse on the butten. It is red because when you go to click on it it will let you know when your over it

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


First, i got a picture of me and my sister and took my sister out of the picture. then i eraced everything in the background

Now i got a picture of Laddy Gaga of the enternet and put my self in the picture to make it look like i was really there.

Now i got a picture of the times squarer in ny and put bolth of up in there. i made it look like the background and i met her in ny

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Photoshop Tenis _Panther

This is the picture that I started of with. I used the magnedic laso to cut this out of the gray backgroung.

I moved the picture of the panther on a island. I did this by make a layer mask and combined them bolth together. This is how it came out.

Now my parterner put a new picture on it. He put a fire ball comming out of the sky. So now that makes it look like the panther running from the fire

Now I added a fire in the back out the picture to make it look like the fire ball came down and hit the ground and exploded. I did this by making another layer on the picture.